Monday, May 27, 2019

Nivea for Men: Developing a Marketing Plan Answer Sheet Essay

1. What is the difference between crossway range and product mix? The product range are the different types of products from one particular category e.g. drinks orange, lemonade, raspberry, whereas product mix are the different categories of product that are sold e.g. drinks, sandwiches, fruit etc 2. How would the append in marketing awareness affect Nivea s day to day operations? More staff, more sales, more products needed, extra deliveries, more staff, more direction for storage. 3. Why is the FHM Grooming Award a good thing for Nivea? FHM has a large readership level, the majority of readers care about their appearance and therefore Nivea may realise from extra sales due to its recognition of enhancing appearance. 4. Why is it important for Nivea to identify a market segment? It can develop strategies for specific people, save specie and have a higher success rate. 5. Above-the-line and Below-the-line promotion are prominent with Nivea.Why is this important? So that Nivea ca n get their message across to the large number through the various media and also build affinity and relationships with it customers and potential customers. 6. What was the male skincare products market worth in 2008? Male skincare products were worth 117m 7. In 1998 annual sales of skincare products were worth 68m. In 2008 they are now worth 117m. What is the percentage increase in annual sales? 172% (117 / 68) X cytosine 8. What is the percentage increase in male facial products? 7.3m to 49m = 49/ 7.3 X100 = 671% 9. Why are marketing plans used? A marketing plan is used to identify, auspicate and satisfy consumers need. If a marketing plan is used, the business will know what the consumer wants, and will sell appropriate products which will increase revenue for the business.10. Give 2 marketing aims that Nivea may want to achieve? Increase the sales of male skincare products in the UK. Develop its range of products for the UK market. 11. Using the case study, highlight how the raise analysis couldbe used for Nivea. Nivea could use the SWOT analysis in order to assess its Strengths and Weaknesses within the business. This would allow management to address its weaknesses and exploit its strengths. This would be the opinions of the management and staff. It could also assess the Opportunities and Threats in terms of where the market is going with skincare for men and exploit it. They would also be aware of potential threats in terms of competition, laws and attitudes. 12. How has Nivea used promotion to enhance the awareness of the brand? Nivea has used both Above the line and Below the line promotion using the media, sponsorship of sports teams and lovable awards from target market magazines.

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